DRR Simeo Ssebukulu makes his first official visit

The Rotaract Club of Acacia Sunset hosted the District Rotaract Representative (DRR) Simeo Ssebukulu this evening. He was escorted by the Assistant District Rotaract Representative (ADRR) of the club Carolyne Bavuga and district officials.

The DRR meeting of the board

While making the opening statement, the President of the Club Aggrey Muhumuza highlighted the strides being taken in the execution of projects, improving membership and attendance of district events. The support of the mother club, Rotary Club of Acacia Sunset did not go unnoticed.

During his speech, DRR Simeo Ssebukulu appreciated Acacia Sunset for allowing him to visit and also thanked the district officials for supporting him. He also added that the DRR’s visits should not be taken as inspections but rather visits to the club, checking their status and inspiring the club members by saying that;

It should be a reccurent thing that clubs are in a healthy condition and not just when the DRR is coming.

Simeo Ssebukulu, District Rotaract Representative

He talked about the difference between a sprint and a marathon and left us with a thought-proving question about whether clubs were taking marathons or sprints.

He also mentioned that there was a difference between targets and plans.

Plans strecth beyond the leaders term of service where as targets are set for the president and the board to achieve. Power doesn’t build you, influence does. When you influence people, they do better and identify with you.

Simeo Ssebukulu, District Rotaract Representative

During his address, he said that the people judging Rotaract, do so due to nightlife rather than the projects that we do in the day which kills our brand. He encouraged us to invest in physical brand so as to have a physical presence. He also encouraged club leaders to develop club members professionally before going out to do projects.

Why do we give public relations to night life and less to the projects that we do during the day?

Simeo Ssebukulu, District Rotaract Representative

In regard to TRF, he mentioned that our goal has remained as a UGX 30,000/= contribution to the foundation per Rotaractor encouraging members to give. He also mentioned the strategies put in place to raise funds which included the TRF Soccer, and the TRF Wand, encouraging clubs to take an advantage of them.

Three members were inducted into the club and the DRR commended the club upon increasing the numbers.

“Membership is very central to us because that is how we grow an ambassadorial team to impact more people in the world. Inducting people is key but most importantly the right requirements are met to ensure quality membership. All of us have RI ID Numbers that are unique to us, we employ you all to attach ID numbers on certificates so that members can know their numbers. There is a need to certify mentors in the club to know who is more knowledgeable about Rotary and can be trusted to pass on the knowledge to the new members for the general health of the club.”

Simeo Ssebukulu, District Rotaract Representative


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